Pet Insurance
Insurance For Your Pets
Pet insurance can be an incredible resource for pet owners. And, in a lot of cases, will help pay for necessary treatments that owners may not otherwise be able to afford. There are a lot of options for pet insurance. Pet owners should look at different plans and determine what makes the most sense for their family and pets.
Different plans offer different coverage at different rates. There are three categories – Accident, Illness and/or Wellness. At Burke Animal Clinic we see insurance at it’s most helpful for unexpected costs due to accidents or illness. Things to consider: What conditions are covered, are there exclusions for certain conditions or breeds? What’s the deductible? Are there annual or per claim limits? Is there an age limit? What’s the reimbursement rate? How is their customer service? This article is by far the most comprehensive and most helpful in choosing a plan that’s right for you.
Get a quote from multiple carriers. Pet Insurance Review helps you compare plans and rates:
There are two things that won’t differ from plan to plan. First, you can use any vet you want. All pet insurance carriers will honor claims from any licensed veterinarian. You pay the veterinarian first, and then submit your claim to your insurance company and they reimburse you directly. The second is no company will cover pre-existing conditions. However, read the fine print as each company defines pre-existing differently.
Bottom line, pet insurance pays off for unexpected costs. No one wants their pet to become ill and there’s no way of knowing when or if it will be needed. But, as with all insurance, you’re paying for peace of mind.